A Beginner's Guide to Brewing Belgian Witbier

  1. Craft beer recipes
  2. Wheat beers
  3. Belgian witbier recipe

Belgian witbier, also known as white beer, is a refreshing and light wheat-based beer that has been enjoyed in Belgium for centuries. With its signature hazy appearance and zesty flavors of coriander and orange peel, it's no wonder that Belgian witbier has gained popularity in the craft beer scene worldwide. And what better way to fully appreciate this delicious brew than by making it yourself? In this beginner's guide, we'll take you through the steps of brewing your own batch of Belgian witbier, from the ingredients and equipment you'll need to the brewing process itself. So put on your brewing hat and get ready to dive into the world of wheat beers with our easy-to-follow recipe. Welcome to the world of homebrewing! Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner looking to try something new, brewing your own Belgian witbier is a fun and rewarding experience.

With its refreshing and citrusy flavors, this classic wheat beer is perfect for summer days and pairs well with a variety of dishes. Before we get started, it's important to have the right equipment and supplies on hand. A basic brewing kit, fermenter, bottles, and ingredients such as malt, hops, and yeast are essential for homebrewing. These can easily be found at your local homebrew supply store or online. Now, let's talk about wheat beers. These beers are typically made with a significant amount of wheat in addition to barley, giving them a lighter body and often a hazy appearance.

Belgian witbiers are a specific type of wheat beer that originated in Belgium. They are known for their complex and spicy flavors, often including notes of coriander and orange peel. Now that you have your equipment and a basic understanding of wheat beers, let's dive into the step-by-step process of brewing your own Belgian witbier.


The first step in brewing is to mix crushed grains (malt) with hot water in a process called mashing. This extracts the sugars from the grains, which will later be fermented into alcohol. For Belgian witbiers, a combination of wheat malt and Pilsner malt is typically used.


After mashing, the liquid (wort) is transferred to a large pot and brought to a boil.

This is when hops are added to provide bitterness and flavor to the beer. For Belgian witbiers, noble hops such as Saaz or Tettnang are commonly used.


Once the boiling is complete, the wort is cooled and transferred to a fermenter. Yeast is then added to the wort, which converts the sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Belgian witbiers are typically fermented at warmer temperatures to bring out the spicy and fruity flavors.


After a couple of weeks of fermentation, your beer is ready to be bottled.

Adding a small amount of priming sugar to the beer before bottling will create natural carbonation. Once bottled, the beer will need to sit for another week or two before it's fully carbonated and ready to drink. Now that you know the basic brewing process for Belgian witbier, here are some tips and techniques for achieving the perfect flavor and aroma:

  • Use high-quality ingredients: The quality of your malt, hops, and yeast will greatly impact the taste of your beer. Invest in good ingredients for the best results.
  • Control fermentation temperature: As mentioned before, fermenting at warmer temperatures will bring out the desired flavors in Belgian witbiers. Keep an eye on the temperature and make adjustments as needed.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment: While traditional Belgian witbiers have a specific set of ingredients and flavors, don't be afraid to try new things and add your own twist to the recipe.
If you're feeling adventurous, here are some additional ingredients and variations you can try in your Belgian witbier:
  • Citrus fruits like lemon or grapefruit for a citrusy twist
  • Spices like ginger or clove for added complexity
  • Using different types of wheat malt for a unique flavor profile
And if you're looking to further improve your brewing skills, here are some resources to check out:
  • Join a homebrewing club: Connecting with other homebrewers is a great way to learn and share tips and techniques.
  • Attend a brewing class or workshop: Hands-on experience and guidance from experts can greatly improve your brewing skills.
  • Read books or watch online tutorials: There are plenty of resources available for homebrewers, from beginner guides to advanced techniques.
With this guide, you're now equipped with the knowledge and tools to brew your own delicious Belgian witbier.

So gather your supplies, get brewing, and enjoy the fruits of your labor in no time!

The Basics of Homebrewing

When it comes to homebrewing, having the right equipment and ingredients is essential for success. If you're new to the process, it can seem overwhelming at first, but fear not! We've broken down the basics of homebrewing into a simple list of what you need to get started. First and foremost, you'll need a brewing kit. This typically includes a fermentation vessel, airlock, siphon, and bottles. You can purchase a pre-made kit or assemble your own with individual pieces. Next, you'll need ingredients for your Belgian witbier.

This includes malted barley, wheat, hops, yeast, and any additional flavorings or spices you want to add. Make sure to purchase high-quality ingredients for the best results. Lastly, you'll need basic brewing equipment such as a thermometer, hydrometer, and sanitizing solution. These tools are necessary for monitoring and maintaining the temperature and cleanliness of your brew.

Understanding Belgian Witbiers

History: Belgian witbier, also known as white beer, has a rich history dating back to the 14th century. It originated in the town of Hoegaarden, Belgium, and was traditionally brewed by monks.

It gained popularity throughout Europe and was exported to other countries in the 19th century. However, it declined in popularity in the 20th century and was almost extinct until it was revived by Pierre Celis in the 1960s.


Belgian witbier is a wheat beer that is typically pale and cloudy in appearance. It is characterized by its use of unmalted wheat, which gives it a hazy and golden color. It also contains a mix of spices, such as coriander and orange peel, which give it a refreshing and citrusy flavor.

It is often low in alcohol content and has a light and bubbly mouthfeel.


There are many variations of Belgian witbier that have emerged over the years. Some breweries use different types of grains, such as oats or rye, to give their witbier a unique twist. Others may add additional spices or fruits to enhance the flavor. Some notable variations include Hoegaarden Witbier, Blanche de Bruxelles, and Allagash White.

Exploring Different Ingredients and Variations

Belgian witbier is known for its refreshing and citrusy taste, but did you know that there are many different variations and ingredients you can use to make it your own?One of the key ingredients in Belgian witbier is coriander, which gives the beer its characteristic spicy and herbal notes.

However, you can also experiment with other spices such as orange peel, chamomile, or even ginger to add a unique twist to your brew. Another important aspect of Belgian witbier is the use of wheat. While traditional recipes call for a 50/50 mix of wheat and barley malt, you can play around with the ratios to achieve different levels of cloudiness and body in your beer. Some brewers even use oats or rye in their witbier for added complexity. Aside from the main ingredients, you can also explore different yeast strains to give your Belgian witbier a distinct flavor profile. For example, using a Belgian saison yeast can add a spicy and fruity kick to your brew, while a hefeweizen yeast can bring out more banana and clove flavors. Don't be afraid to get creative and add your personal touch to your Belgian witbier recipe.

Whether it's experimenting with different ingredients or trying out new brewing techniques, the possibilities are endless when it comes to making this classic wheat beer your own.

Tips and Tricks for Perfecting Your Brew

When it comes to brewing Belgian witbier, there are a few expert techniques that can help you improve the flavor and aroma of your final product. These tips and tricks will take your brew to the next level and impress even the most discerning craft beer connoisseur.

Use High-Quality Ingredients

The first step to perfecting your Belgian witbier recipe is to use high-quality ingredients. This includes fresh, high-quality grains, hops, and yeast. Don't skimp on the ingredients - they will greatly impact the flavor and aroma of your final product.

Maintain Proper Fermentation Temperature

Belgian witbier is a style that benefits from a slightly warmer fermentation temperature.

The ideal range is between 68-72°F (20-22°C). This will help bring out the unique flavors and aromas of the Belgian yeast strain, giving your witbier that classic spicy and fruity character.

Add Citrus Zest at the Right Time

Citrus zest is a common ingredient in Belgian witbier, adding a refreshing citrusy note to the beer. However, adding it at the wrong time can result in a bitter or astringent taste. It's best to add the zest in the last 5 minutes of the boil or during secondary fermentation for optimal flavor.

Consider Adding Spices

While not traditional, adding spices like coriander and orange peel can enhance the flavor and aroma of your Belgian witbier.

Just be sure to use them sparingly so they don't overpower the delicate flavors of the beer.

Brewing Your Own Belgian Witbier

If you're a fan of wheat beers, you've probably come across the popular Belgian witbier. This refreshing and citrusy beer is perfect for summer days and is a must-try for any beer enthusiast. And the best part? You can easily brew your own batch at home with just a few simple ingredients and equipment. But before we jump into the recipe, let's go over some basics about Belgian witbier. This beer style originated in Belgium and is known for its cloudy appearance, light body, and subtle spicy and fruity notes.

It is traditionally brewed with a combination of malted barley, wheat, and oats, as well as coriander and orange peel for added flavor. Now that you have a better understanding of what makes up a Belgian witbier, let's get into the step-by-step instructions for brewing your own delicious batch.

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

To make a 5-gallon batch of Belgian witbier, you will need the following ingredients:
  • 6 lbs. of Belgian Pilsner malt
  • 4 lbs. of raw wheat
  • 1 lb. of flaked oats
  • 0.5 lbs.

    of flaked wheat

  • 0.5 lbs. of Munich malt
  • 1 oz. of Hallertau hops
  • 1 oz. of Saaz hops
  • 1 oz.

    of coriander seeds

  • 1 oz. of bitter orange peel
  • Brewer's yeast
Step 2: Mash InIn a large pot or mash tun, combine the malted barley, wheat, and oats with 3 gallons of water. Heat the water to 152°F and hold for 60 minutes. This will convert the starches in the grains into fermentable sugars.

Step 3: Sparge

Once the mash is complete, slowly add 3 gallons of hot water (170°F) to rinse out all the sugars from the grains.

Be sure to collect all the liquid in your brew kettle.

Step 4: Boil and Add Hops

Bring the wort (liquid extracted from the mash) to a boil and add 1 oz. of Hallertau hops. Boil for 60 minutes before adding 1 oz. of Saaz hops for the last 10 minutes of the boil.

Step 5: Add Spices

During the last 5 minutes of the boil, add 1 oz.

of crushed coriander seeds and 1 oz. of bitter orange peel to infuse the beer with their flavors.

Step 6: Cool and Ferment

Once the boil is complete, cool down the wort using an ice bath or wort chiller. Once it reaches room temperature, transfer it to a sanitized fermenter and add your choice of Belgian yeast.

Step 7: Bottle or Keg

After fermentation is complete, transfer your beer into bottles or kegs for carbonation. And voila! You now have your very own batch of delicious Belgian witbier ready to be enjoyed. This simple and easy-to-follow recipe is perfect for beginners and experienced homebrewers alike. So why not give it a try and impress your friends with your own homemade Belgian witbier? Cheers!

Additional Resources for Homebrewers

If you're interested in learning more about brewing your own Belgian witbier, there are plenty of resources available to help you on your journey to brewing success. One great place to start is by joining a local homebrew club.

These clubs offer a wealth of knowledge and experience from fellow homebrewers, as well as the opportunity to attend workshops and tastings. You can also find valuable information online through forums and blogs dedicated to homebrewing. These resources often have step-by-step guides, troubleshooting tips, and recipes from experienced brewers. Another helpful tool for homebrewers is the use of brewing software. These programs can help you with recipe formulation, tracking your brewing process, and even calculating the alcohol content of your beer. Lastly, don't forget about books! There are many books available on the topic of brewing Belgian witbier, ranging from beginner's guides to more advanced techniques and recipes. With this comprehensive guide, you now have all the knowledge and resources to successfully brew your own Belgian witbier at home. Get creative and experiment with different ingredients and techniques to make your brew truly unique.

Cheers to your new brewing skills!.

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