How to Make Flanders Red Ale at Home: A Step-by-Step Recipe

  1. Craft beer recipes
  2. Sours
  3. Flanders red ale recipe

If you're a fan of sour beers, then you're probably familiar with the complex and tangy flavors of Flanders red ale. This traditional Belgian style of beer has been around for centuries, and it's known for its deep ruby color, sharp acidity, and notes of dark fruit and oak. While you can find Flanders red ale at select breweries and specialty shops, there's nothing quite like brewing it yourself at home. In this article, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of making your very own Flanders red ale using a tried-and-true recipe.

Whether you're a seasoned homebrewer or just starting out, this is a great recipe to add to your repertoire. So grab your brewing equipment and get ready to create a delicious and unique sour beer that will impress any craft beer lover. To make your own Flanders Red Ale at home, you'll need a few key ingredients and some specialized equipment. First and foremost, you'll need a good quality brewing kit, which can be purchased online or at your local homebrew supply store. This will include a large pot for boiling your wort (unfermented beer), a fermentation vessel, and all the necessary tools and accessories.

You'll also need a variety of malts, hops, and specialty grains, including Belgian caramel malts and aged hops. These ingredients will give your Flanders Red Ale its distinct color, flavor, and aroma. Flanders Red Ale is a unique style of beer that originated in the Flanders region of Belgium. It is a sour ale that is known for its complex flavor profile and deep red color. The traditional brewing process involves aging the beer in oak barrels for extended periods of time, allowing it to develop its characteristic tartness and fruity notes. If you're new to homebrewing, don't be intimidated by the thought of making your own Flanders Red Ale.

While it may require some patience and attention to detail, the end result is well worth the effort. And for experienced brewers looking to expand their repertoire, Flanders Red Ale is a great addition to any collection of craft beer recipes. When selecting your malts for this recipe, make sure to include Belgian caramel malts. These specialty malts give the beer its deep red color and contribute to its complex flavor profile. Aged hops are also essential for achieving the desired tartness in your Flanders Red Ale.

These can be found at most homebrew supply stores or purchased online. Once you have all of your ingredients and equipment ready, it's time to start brewing. Begin by heating up your brewing water in the large pot. Once it reaches the desired temperature, add in your malts and allow them to steep for about an hour. This will extract the sugars from the grains, creating the wort. Next, remove the grains and bring the wort to a boil.

At this point, you can add in your aged hops. After boiling for about an hour, cool the wort and transfer it to your fermentation vessel. Here, you will add in your yeast and allow the beer to ferment for several weeks. As with any homebrew, it's important to monitor the fermentation process and ensure that the beer is kept at the appropriate temperature. Once fermentation is complete, transfer the beer to a secondary vessel for aging.

This is where you can add in any additional flavors or ingredients, such as fruit or wood chips, to enhance the complexity of your Flanders Red Ale. After several months of aging, your Flanders Red Ale will be ready to bottle or keg. The longer you let it age, the more developed and nuanced the flavors will become. So be patient and enjoy the process of creating your own unique and delicious Flanders Red Ale at home.


To make Flanders Red Ale, you'll need the following ingredients: Belgian Pilsner malt, Munich malt, Special B malt, Caravienne malt, Wheat malt, Flaked wheat, Aged hops, Flanders yeast, Brettanomyces yeast, Lactobacillus bacteria, Pediooccus bacteria, Sour cherries (optional), and oak chips (optional). You can find these ingredients at your local homebrew store or online.

It's important to use high-quality, fresh ingredients for the best results. Make sure to also have the necessary brewing equipment, such as a large pot, fermenter, and airlock. Now that you have your ingredients, let's get started on brewing your own Flanders Red Ale. Once you have all your ingredients and equipment ready, it's time to start brewing! Follow these steps to make your own Flanders Red Ale at home: Gather Your Ingredients - Make sure you have all the necessary ingredients, including specialty grains, hops, yeast, and more.

Prepare Your Equipment

- Clean and sanitize all of your equipment before starting the brewing process.

Mash Your Grains - Begin by heating your water and adding in your specialty grains.

Add in the Hops

- Once your grains have been mashed, it's time to add in the hops for bitterness and flavor.

Boil and Cool

- Boil your wort for 60 minutes before cooling it down to room temperature.

Add in the Yeast

- Once cooled, transfer your wort to a fermenter and add in your chosen yeast strain.

Fermentation and Aging - Let your Flanders Red Ale ferment and age for a few months before bottling or kegging. With these steps, you'll be able to make a delicious Flanders Red Ale right in the comfort of your own home. Experiment with different ingredients and techniques to create a unique version of this classic beer style.

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