Ruthie Baughey

Ruthie Baughey

Professional twitter scholar. Wannabe tv buff. General tea expert. Extreme internet expert. Hardcore beer geek. Friendly introvert.

57 Total Posts
All You Need to Know About Single Infusion Mash

All You Need to Know About Single Infusion Mash

Are you a beer enthusiast looking to perfect your homebrewing skills? Look no further, because we've got all the...

An Introduction to Decoction Mash

An Introduction to Decoction Mash

Welcome to our article on decoction mash, a traditional method of mashing and lautering in beer making. In this article,...

Base Malts: The Essential Ingredient for Homebrew Beer

Base Malts: The Essential Ingredient for Homebrew Beer

Base malts are the cornerstone of any great homebrew beer. They are the essential ingredient that sets apart a mediocre...

Exploring the Magic of Hop Stands: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Your Homebrew Beer Recipes

Exploring the Magic of Hop Stands: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Your Homebrew Beer Recipes

Are you tired of your homebrew beer lacking that special something? Look no further than the magic of hop stands. This...

The Ultimate Guide to Homebrewing: Everything You Need to Know About Adjuncts

The Ultimate Guide to Homebrewing: Everything You Need to Know About Adjuncts

Welcome to the ultimate guide to homebrewing! Whether you're a seasoned brewer or just starting out, we've got you...

How to Brew Your Own American Imperial Stout at Home

How to Brew Your Own American Imperial Stout at Home

Are you a fan of rich, dark, and full-bodied beer? Look no further than the American imperial stout. This bold and...

Primary Fermentation: The Key to Homebrewing Success

Primary Fermentation: The Key to Homebrewing Success

Are you a beer lover who wants to take your passion to the next level by brewing your own beer at home? Look no further...

How to Perfectly Cold Crash Your Homebrew Beer

How to Perfectly Cold Crash Your Homebrew Beer

Are you tired of drinking cloudy, unappealing homebrew beer? Look no further than cold crashing! This technique, also...

Whirlpooling: The Essential Technique for Homebrewing Beer

Whirlpooling: The Essential Technique for Homebrewing Beer

Whirlpooling is a brewing technique that has been used for centuries to create delicious and complex beers. It involves...

Bottle Fillers: The Essential Homebrewing Equipment for Creating the Perfect Beer

Bottle Fillers: The Essential Homebrewing Equipment for Creating the Perfect Beer

Bottle fillers are an essential piece of homebrewing equipment for any beer enthusiast. Whether you are a seasoned brewer ...

How to Brew Your Own Vienna Lager at Home

How to Brew Your Own Vienna Lager at Home

Are you a fan of Vienna lagers? Have you ever wanted to try brewing your own at home? Look no further! In this article,...

The Importance of Bittering Hops in Homebrew Beer Recipes

The Importance of Bittering Hops in Homebrew Beer Recipes

Are you a homebrewer looking to take your beer to the next level? Then you've probably heard of bittering hops. These...

All-in-one brewing systems: A Complete Guide to Making Homebrew Beer

All-in-one brewing systems: A Complete Guide to Making Homebrew Beer

Welcome to our complete guide to all-in-one brewing systems! If you're a homebrewer looking to upgrade your equipment, or ...

Fly Sparging: Tips and Techniques for Homebrewing Beer

Fly Sparging: Tips and Techniques for Homebrewing Beer

Beer making is an art that requires precision, patience, and a deep understanding of the brewing process. One crucial...

All You Need to Know About Liquid Yeast

All You Need to Know About Liquid Yeast

Liquid yeast is an essential ingredient in the brewing process, and it plays a crucial role in determining the flavor,...

A Beginner's Guide to Bourbon Barrels for Homebrew Beer Recipes

A Beginner's Guide to Bourbon Barrels for Homebrew Beer Recipes

Are you an aspiring homebrewer looking to add a new dimension to your beer recipes? Look no further than bourbon barrels. ...

A Beginner's Guide to Brewing Belgian Witbier

A Beginner's Guide to Brewing Belgian Witbier

Belgian witbier, also known as white beer, is a refreshing and light wheat-based beer that has been enjoyed in Belgium...

How to Use Wine Barrels for Homebrewing Beer

How to Use Wine Barrels for Homebrewing Beer

Are you a homebrewing enthusiast looking to take your craft to the next level? Look no further than wine barrels! These...

Pumpkin for Homebrewing: A Delicious Addition to Your Beer

Pumpkin for Homebrewing: A Delicious Addition to Your Beer

Pumpkin has long been a staple in fall festivities, whether it's carved into spooky jack-o-lanterns or baked into...

All You Need to Know About Oak Chips for Homebrewing

All You Need to Know About Oak Chips for Homebrewing

Oak chips are a crucial ingredient in the world of homebrewing. These small pieces of wood play a significant role in...

A Beginner's Guide to Aroma Hops for Homebrewing

A Beginner's Guide to Aroma Hops for Homebrewing

Are you a homebrewing enthusiast looking to take your beer to the next level? If so, you may have heard about the...

How to Brew a Classic Pale Ale at Home

How to Brew a Classic Pale Ale at Home

Are you tired of spending money on overpriced pale ales at the store? Look no further, because we have the perfect...

A Beginner's Guide to Brewing New England IPA

A Beginner's Guide to Brewing New England IPA

New England IPAs have become a popular style of craft beer in recent years, known for their hazy appearance, juicy...

How to Brew Your Own Baltic Porter: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Brew Your Own Baltic Porter: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to brew your own Baltic porter! Whether you're a seasoned homebrewer or new to...

All You Need to Know About Traditional Three-Tier Brewing Systems

All You Need to Know About Traditional Three-Tier Brewing Systems

Are you looking to take your homebrewing to the next level? Look no further than traditional three-tier brewing systems....

Brew Your Own American Wheat Beer: A Homebrewer's Guide

Brew Your Own American Wheat Beer: A Homebrewer's Guide

Looking to make your own craft beer at home? Look no further! In this article, we will be delving into the world of...

How to Make Your Own Irish Dry Stout at Home

How to Make Your Own Irish Dry Stout at Home

Homebrewing has become a popular hobby for beer enthusiasts, and what better way to indulge in your love for beer than by ...

The Ultimate Guide to Conical Fermenters: Everything You Need to Know

The Ultimate Guide to Conical Fermenters: Everything You Need to Know

Welcome to the ultimate guide to conical fermenters! Whether you're a seasoned homebrewer or just starting out, this...

An In-Depth Look at Coffee Beans for Homebrewing

An In-Depth Look at Coffee Beans for Homebrewing

Coffee beans are the essence of a perfect cup of coffee. They are the starting point for any homebrewing adventure and...

How to Brew a Delicious Belgian IPA at Home

How to Brew a Delicious Belgian IPA at Home

Are you a fan of craft beer? Do you enjoy the hoppy and complex flavors of IPAs? Look no further, because in this article ...

A Beginner's Guide to Electric Brewing Systems

A Beginner's Guide to Electric Brewing Systems

Welcome to the world of homebrewing! If you're a beginner looking to get into the exciting and rewarding hobby of brewing ...

How to Brew Your Own Belgian Witbier at Home

How to Brew Your Own Belgian Witbier at Home

Are you a beer lover looking for a new and exciting homebrew recipe to try? Look no further than our step-by-step guide...

All you need to know about Secondary fermentation for homebrewing

All you need to know about Secondary fermentation for homebrewing

Beer making is an art that has been practiced for centuries, with enthusiasts constantly experimenting and perfecting...

Molasses: The Secret Ingredient for Perfect Homebrew Beer

Molasses: The Secret Ingredient for Perfect Homebrew Beer

Molasses has been a secret ingredient in brewing for centuries, adding complexity and depth to beers of all styles. This...

Berliner Weisse Recipe for Homebrew Beer Enthusiasts

Berliner Weisse Recipe for Homebrew Beer Enthusiasts

Are you a craft beer enthusiast looking to try your hand at brewing a sour beer? Look no further than this Berliner...

The Sweet Side of Homebrewing: A Guide to Using Honey as a Specialty Sugar

The Sweet Side of Homebrewing: A Guide to Using Honey as a Specialty Sugar

In the world of homebrewing, there are endless possibilities for creating unique and delicious beers. From hops to...

How to Make Flanders Red Ale at Home: A Step-by-Step Recipe

How to Make Flanders Red Ale at Home: A Step-by-Step Recipe

If you're a fan of sour beers, then you're probably familiar with the complex and tangy flavors of Flanders red ale. This ...

Kegging Systems: Tips and Techniques for Homebrewing Beer

Kegging Systems: Tips and Techniques for Homebrewing Beer

Are you tired of relying on store-bought beer and ready to take your homebrewing game to the next level? Look no further...

Fermentation Temperature Control Systems: The Key to Perfect Homebrewed Beer

Fermentation Temperature Control Systems: The Key to Perfect Homebrewed Beer

Fermentation is a crucial process in the world of homebrewing. It is the key to creating the perfect beer, with the right ...

A Beginner's Guide to Brewing Your Own Bohemian Pilsner at Home

A Beginner's Guide to Brewing Your Own Bohemian Pilsner at Home

Are you a beer lover looking to expand your brewing skills? Look no further! In this beginner's guide, we will walk you...

A Beginner's Guide to Using Dry Yeast for Homebrew Beer

A Beginner's Guide to Using Dry Yeast for Homebrew Beer

Welcome to the world of homebrewing! If you're new to this exciting hobby, one of the first things you'll need to...

The Sweet Side of Homebrewing: All About Maple Syrup for Your Beer

The Sweet Side of Homebrewing: All About Maple Syrup for Your Beer

Welcome to the sweet world of homebrewing! If you're a beer lover looking to take your craft to the next level, then...

A Complete Guide to Making Your Own German Pilsner at Home

A Complete Guide to Making Your Own German Pilsner at Home

Are you a beer lover looking to expand your homebrewing skills? Look no further, because we have the perfect recipe for...

A Comprehensive Guide to Hop Additions for Homebrew Beer Recipes

A Comprehensive Guide to Hop Additions for Homebrew Beer Recipes

Beer making is an art that involves combining various ingredients in a precise manner to create the perfect balance of...

A Beginner's Guide to Making Hefeweizen at Home

A Beginner's Guide to Making Hefeweizen at Home

If you're a fan of craft beer and love trying new recipes, then making your own Hefeweizen at home is a must-try! This...

How to Make Your Own English Brown Ale at Home

How to Make Your Own English Brown Ale at Home

Are you a fan of rich, flavorful beers? Look no further than an English brown ale. This classic beer style is known for...

A Complete Guide to Specialty Grains for Homebrew Beer

A Complete Guide to Specialty Grains for Homebrew Beer

Welcome to the world of specialty grains, where every homebrewer's dreams come true. These unique and flavorful grains...

Understanding Dual-Purpose Hops for Homebrew Beer

Understanding Dual-Purpose Hops for Homebrew Beer

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on dual-purpose hops for homebrew beer! Whether you are a seasoned brewer or just...

How to Brew a Delicious Gose Beer at Home

How to Brew a Delicious Gose Beer at Home

If you're a fan of sour beers, then you've probably heard of the delicious and refreshing Gose beer. Originating from...

The Ultimate Guide to Homebrew Starter Kits

The Ultimate Guide to Homebrew Starter Kits

Welcome to our ultimate guide to homebrew starter kits! Whether you are a seasoned brewer or a beginner, having the right ...

The Basics of Homebrewing: All About Carboys

The Basics of Homebrewing: All About Carboys

Welcome to the world of homebrewing! If you're new to this hobby, then you may have come across the term 'carboys'. But...

West Coast IPA Recipe: How to Brew Your Own Delicious Craft Beer at Home

West Coast IPA Recipe: How to Brew Your Own Delicious Craft Beer at Home

Are you a fan of the bold, hoppy flavors of a West Coast IPA? Have you ever dreamed of brewing your own delicious craft...

How to Bottle Your Homebrewed Beer: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Bottle Your Homebrewed Beer: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to bottle your homebrewed beer! As a homebrewer, there's nothing quite like the ...

Vanilla Beans: The Secret Ingredient for Perfect Homebrew Beer

Vanilla Beans: The Secret Ingredient for Perfect Homebrew Beer

Welcome to the world of homebrewing, where the possibilities are endless and the flavors are unmatched. As a homebrewer,...